Tag Archives: John McCain

Understanding the Actual Policy – Obama’s Tax “Increase”

All over the blogosphrere right wing McCain supporters are shouting, “Socialist!” because of one phrase the desperate McCain campaign pounced on.  “Redisbute the wealth” may not have been my choice of words but I did something that it seems 90% of the accusers didn’t, I went to the Obama site and actually read his tax […]

What more can I say? I love this guy.

The Essense Of Every McCain Campaign Ad

You know this is what the Republicans really want to say.  It would almost be better than their laughingly hamfisted attempts at merely hinting at their racebaiting.

Don’t Worry McCain-The Racist Redneck Vote Is Yours

As people with common sense from both parties abandon the fatally flawed vision of the McCain/Palin Presidential ticket, the Republicans still have one tried and true constituency they can count on:  Rural, uninformed racists.  Knowing this, the campaign has subtley stoked their fervor with key catchphrases especially at the Palin rallies. Take a look here […]

Still Undecided Voters? I Call BullSh*t!

There is less than 1 month until the presidential election. If you believe all of the talking heads in the news, the next four years will be a crucial turning point either for the better or for the worse. Also, for the first time since 1980, we have two major party candidates that actually offer […]

Sleazeball Tatics Of Republicans Prove They Have No Shame

Believe me.  I’m no ally to the Republicans.  But most of my disagreements with them are on fundamental policy issues.  Being a radical progressive, me and most people on the right tend to look at the world differently.  I understand that.  I respect that.  And while I always hope, for the good of humanity, that […]